President Mirziyoyev meets with heads of a number of Chinese companies

POLITICS 16:46 / 18.10.2023 6493

First, the head of state received Wang Bo, chairman of China CAMC Engineering.

CAMCE is a leading Chinese corporation that provides engineering services and implements large-scale investment projects in the industrial and infrastructure sectors.

According to the presidential press service, the company has extensive work experience in Uzbekistan. Today, CAMCE is participating in the construction of the Olympic town in preparation for the Asian Youth Games to be held in Uzbekistan in 2025.

In addition, it was reported that the company plans to build a gallows in Kashkadarya as part of the tourist zone project in Kitab, and also signed four contracts with other Chinese companies for the construction of photoelectric power stations worth $1 billion in Besharik and Fergana districts.

It is noted that the meeting discussed the practical aspects of increasing joint projects, including the construction of hydrotechnical structures in the regions of the country and modern infrastructure in New Tashkent, the introduction of advanced agro-technologies.

Mirziyoyev ordered the adoption of a separate “roadmap” for accelerating the implementation of joint projects and agreements reached.

On the same day, the head of state also held a meeting with Sun Khailian, chairman of China Energy Engineering Corporation of Uzbekistan.

The leading Chinese corporation China Energy, which has extensive experience in the design and construction of modern energy, infrastructure and industrial facilities, implements large investment projects in many countries of the world. The value of the company's assets is more than $150 billion.

At the meeting, it was noted that the company is actively participating in the technological modernization of Uzbekistan's energy industry.

China Energy is implementing projects to build solar and wind power plants in Kashkadarya and Bukhara regions, and a thermal power plant in Syrdarya region. It was noted that the company intends to participate in the construction of a hybrid power plant in the Navoi region.

In addition, modern capacities for cement production were put into operation in Samarkand region in September.

Prospects of partnership with China Energy were discussed, including modernization of infrastructure facilities, organization of energy storage systems, training of qualified specialists within the framework of the energy network development program until 2030.

Special attention was also paid to cooperation in water management, implementation of joint projects in various branches of industry.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also received the Chairman of State Grid Company Xin Baoan as part of a practical visit to Beijing.

China Power Grid Corporation is a global leader in this field and ranks high in the Fortune Global 500 ranking.

The company has extensive experience in the implementation of large-scale projects for the construction and operation of power transmission networks, including in foreign countries. Its assets are worth around 800 billion dollars.

The issues of implementing promising projects with the participation of this company, including the construction of high-voltage power lines and modernization of infrastructure facilities, introducing advanced engineering solutions and high technologies were discussed.

Special attention was paid to the training of highly qualified specialists for the country’s energy sector.

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