Practice of taking a citizen to DIA for identification to be abandoned
23.07 3480 POLITICS
USAID helped to return 35 victims of human trafficking to Uzbekistan
23.07 3589 POLITICS
Uzbekistan improves its position in Global Peace Index
23.07 3724 POLITICS
Mamarizo Nurmuratov: We do not expect energy prices to increase in the second half of the year
22.07 3406 POLITICS
Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan and Belarus talk over the phone, discuss strengthening cooperation 
22.07 3163 POLITICS
“Budget deficit will amount to at least 4% of GDP” — Jamshid Kuchkarov
22.07 3136 POLITICS
Gov’t abolishes system of passing exam for restoring a lost driver’s license 
22.07 31271 POLITICS
Uzbekistan may face crisis across all poverty lines – UNDP 
22.07 3634 POLITICS
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Uzbekistan
22.07 3231 POLITICS
Applicants with a certificate in a foreign language to receive maximum points for language part in state exams
22.07 3423 POLITICS
Deputies approve amendments to the law on pension provision
22.07 2795 POLITICS
“Level of employment in Bukhara region is overstated” – Senate
22.07 2868 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoev proposes creation of a system of border trade zones in Central Asia
21.07 2639 POLITICS
Mirziyoyev, Tokayev and Japarov sign an agreement on friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation for development of Central Asia
21.07 3238 POLITICS
President Mirziyoyev: Recent tragic events in Uzbekistan have once again confirmed the presence of destructive forces
21.07 3023 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposes to establish a permanent consultation of heads of special services of Central Asian countries
21.07 11092 POLITICS
State of emergency terminated in Karakalpakstan 
21.07 2865 POLITICS
President Mirziyoyev leaves for Kyrgyzstan
20.07 11467 POLITICS
Uzbekistan maintains its position in American annual report on human trafficking in the world
20.07 3513 POLITICS
MPs of Karakalpakstan ask President Mirziyoyev to cancel state of emergency and pardon innocent citizens 
20.07 8166 POLITICS