Administrators of "Nazorat Uz" Telegram channel arrested for extorting popular restaurants

SOCIETY 19:48 / 23.01.2025 312

According to reports circulating on social media, the head of the Telegram channel, J.I., ordered his employees to collect materials aimed at discrediting business owners.

"Initially, the team members visited large restaurant chains in Tashkent, posing as customers and purchasing food. They then placed harmful substances inside the products and took photos and videos. Afterward, J.I. contacted the restaurant owners, threatening to release the materials via Telegram and publish them on the 'Nazorat Uz' channels on YouTube and Telegram unless they paid up," the report states.

Furthermore, in September 2024, J.I. dressed as an emergency medical worker and filmed a video claiming that people had been poisoned by food from a popular restaurant and had been taken to a city medical center. He posted the video on his page.

The channel administrators then prepared a fake PR contract worth 240 million UZS and presented it to the entrepreneur's representative. They demanded that 40 million UZS be transferred monthly to their organization’s account. To protect the brand's image, it is reported that the entrepreneur transferred a total of 80 million UZS between October and November.

The Tashkent City Department of Internal Affairs confirmed the arrest of the "Nazorat Uz" Telegram channel employees on suspicion of extortion. A criminal case was initiated against the three individuals on December 18, 2024, under Article 165, part 2, paragraph "v" of the Criminal Code (extortion).

"On December 21, 2024, they were placed in custody. Investigations are ongoing, and additional information will be provided upon completion," stated the Tashkent City Department of Internal Affairs in a report to

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