Central Election Commission registers 875 candidates for 150 legislative chamber seats

SOCIETY 17:07 / 21.09.2024 265

Elections for deputies of the Legislative Chamber are conducted based on a mixed electoral system, both majoritarian and proportional.

This year, seventy-five out of 150 deputies will be elected to the lower house of parliament from single-member constituencies, based on votes cast by the electorate for specific candidates. The remaining 75 seats will be distributed according to party lists, based on the number of votes cast for political parties in the single national electoral district.

During the meeting, it was decided to register candidates nominated by the Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party, the Uzbekistan "National Revival" Democratic Party, the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, and the "Adolat" Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in single-member constituencies.

As a result, 375 candidates from these five political parties were registered for the Legislative Chamber in single-member constituencies.

Additionally, the CEC approved the registration of 500 candidates on party lists nominated by these political parties in the national electoral district for the Legislative Chamber.

It was noted during the meeting that for the first time in the history of national elections, five political parties have nominated 100 percent of candidates for deputy positions at all levels.

In particular, the political parties fully nominated candidates for all electoral districts, including 875 for the Legislative Chamber, 3,625 for the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent City Councils of People’s Deputies, and 24,850 for district and city Councils of People’s Deputies.

The launch of the interactive portal "E-saylov" also played an important role. As a result, political parties were able to efficiently interact with electoral commissions regarding candidates' compliance with legal requirements through this system.

It was highlighted that among the candidates nominated by political parties for the Legislative Chamber, 391 are women, representing 44.7 percent of the total number of candidates. This is the highest percentage in the country's electoral history.

Compared to previous elections, the candidates have become significantly younger. The average age of candidates for the Legislative Chamber is 47.2 years. Of these, 44.2 percent are under the age of 45, and another 44.3 percent are between 45 and 60 years old. The youngest candidate is 25 years old.

Additionally, 99.3 percent of the candidates have higher education.

Among the candidates, 20.2 percent are economists, 27.9 percent are educators, 7.9 percent are engineers, 9.1 percent are doctors, 16.5 percent are legal experts, and 18.4 percent are entrepreneurs, farmers, and representatives of other fields.

Furthermore, territorial, district, and city election commissions have also registered candidates for local councils.

Among the candidates, there are also representatives of other nationalities living in the country. For example, 973 candidates for the Legislative Chamber and local councils are Tajiks, 588 are Kazakhs, 146 are Turkmens, 141 are Kyrgyz, 67 are Russians, and others belong to different ethnic groups.

Moreover, the meeting addressed the issue of pre-election campaigning by political parties and candidates for the Legislative Chamber and local councils.

According to the resolution, pre-election campaigning for candidates and political parties in the elections for the Legislative Chamber and local councils will begin on September 22, 2024.

Additionally, during the pre-election campaign, political parties and candidates will be allowed to present their programs in the media according to the established order of party participation in the elections. The order is as follows:

The Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party;

The Uzbekistan "National Revival" Democratic Party;

The Ecological Party of Uzbekistan;

The People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;

The "Adolat" Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;

According to the CEC resolution, during the campaign period, candidates and political parties will be provided with free airtime on state-run central and regional television and radio channels, as well as free space in newspapers.

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