Inclusive IT camp opens in Bostanlyk

SOCIETY 20:37 / 31.08.2024 1494

In Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region, a republican inclusive camp was organized over 5 days and a number of different events were held.

At the camp, located on a picturesque square near the coast of Charvak, 160 inquisitive children from all regions of Uzbekistan studied in depth the principles of aerodynamics in creating websites, developing applications, 3D modeling in medicine, and designing drones for use in agriculture.

More than 3000 students took part in online classes in such areas as DotNet, No Coding, Frontend, Python, Flutter, Web Design.

On the day of the closing of the camp for supporting young talents, it was visited by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Zamin Foundation, Ziroat Mirziyoyeva.

The first lady of Uzbekistan wished the young people to continue to develop their abilities and become successful specialists in their chosen professions.

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