Foreign tech giants paid 48 billion UZS in taxes in Uzbekistan over six months

SOCIETY 18:10 / 29.07.2024 999

According to the Tax Committee, 60 foreign companies providing electronic services paid 48.4 billion UZS in taxes in Uzbekistan from January to June 2024. This is 1.5 times more than the same period last year.

95.1% of the paid taxes came from 10 foreign companies providing electronic services.

•  Meta: 18.4 billion UZS
•  Google: 12.9 billion UZS
•  Apple: 9.8 billion UZS
• 1.1 billion UZS
•  Amazon: 949.2 million UZS
•  Zoom: 696.6 million UZS
•  Netflix: 666 million UZS
•  Acca: 652.1 million UZS
•  Xsolla: 449.3 million UZS
•  Adobe: 301.3 million UZS

Foreign legal entities providing electronic services must submit their tax reports and pay taxes no later than the 20th day of the month following the quarter.

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