Tashkent court fines man for unauthorized Euro 2024 broadcasts on Telegram

SOCIETY 13:44 / 25.07.2024 678

On July 17 of this year, the Uchtepa District Court of Criminal Cases in Tashkent city reviewed the case of J.A., born in 2002, who was tried under part 1 of article 177-1 of the Administrative Responsibility Code.

J.A. broadcasted the "Euro 2024" football matches on his Telegram channel "ASL FUTBOL LIVE" without obtaining the proper permission from the rights holder, "TELERADIOKOMPANIYA ZO’R" LLC, which had the contractual right to live broadcast these matches.

In the court session, the offender J.A. admitted to broadcasting the "Euro 2024" football matches on his Telegram channel "ASL FUTBOL LIVE" without proper permission, expressed regret for his actions, stated that such behavior would not be repeated, mentioned being unemployed and in difficult circumstances, and requested leniency from the court.

According to the court's verdict, J.A. was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under part 1 of article 177-1 of the Administrative Responsibility Code. J.A. was imposed a fine of 340,000 UZS (equal to 1 BCA).

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