Inclusive infrastructure: Uzbekistan to adapt high-rises and public facilities for people with disabilities

POLITICS 15:48 / 25.07.2024 1016

As it was earlier reported, on July 18, Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities.

The document outlines the types of licensed activities for which the requirement to provide conveniences for people with disabilities will be introduced. These include:

- Private preschool educational institutions (excluding family kindergartens);
- Private secondary schools;
- Private colleges and technical schools;
- Private universities;
- Non-governmental training centers;
- Driving schools;
- Banks;
- Credit bureaus;
- Medical institutions;
- Pharmacies and medical supply stores (excluding optical salons).

Starting August 10, apartment buildings undergoing reconstruction and repair will be adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Specifically, ramps will be installed from the entrance to the elevator.

By October 2025, the task is to develop a regulatory legal act on universal design of a favorable environment for people with disabilities based on foreign experience. A World Bank grant is planned to be attracted for this purpose.

Infrastructure work for people with disabilities will be carried out with the involvement of funds from international financial organizations and foundations. Negotiations with them are planned by the end of next year.

State agency buildings and universities are instructed to be equipped with ramps and other infrastructure for access by people with disabilities. Additionally, by the end of 2026, each region plans to create 100 restrooms adapted for people with disabilities.

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