Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan outline priority directions for further development of bilateral cooperation

POLITICS 18:42 / 18.07.2024 1173

A small meeting between the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov took place at the Kuksaroy residence.

Current issues of cooperation between the two countries were discussed at the meeting.

At the beginning of the conversation, the head of Uzbekistan warmly congratulated the high-ranking guest and emphasized that in the following years, due to joint efforts, a good ground was created for the radical expansion of multifaceted cooperation aimed at the long-term perspective.

Within the framework of this visit, it was noted that the signing of the Joint Statement on the further deepening and expansion of comprehensive strategic partnership relations is a sign of mutual desire to bring bilateral relations to a higher level.

It was emphasized that it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of dialogues at the level of parliaments, governments, foreign policy and branch offices, and to continue mutual support within the framework of international and regional arenas, including the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, consultative meetings of the heads of regional states, and the “Central Asia Plus” format.

The importance of forming a new economic agenda of cooperation was noted.

It was pointed out that it is urgent to develop comprehensive measures to increase the volume of trade to 2 billion USD in the coming years. Yesterday’s business forum was a success, at the end of which a new set of agreements was adopted.

Within the framework of this visit, cooperation projects in the fields of renewable energy sources, automotive industry and textiles will be launched.

Priority attention was paid to the urgent implementation of regional projects of strategic importance, including the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” railway and Qambarota HPP-1.

New project proposals for the development of transport and energy infrastructure were reviewed.

The presidents emphasized the importance of further expansion of interregional cooperation, including within the framework of the Council of Governors of Border Regions.

Also, issues of development of mutually beneficial cooperation in agriculture and water management, ecology, security and other areas were discussed in detail.

It was noted with satisfaction that the cultural-humanitarian exchange has been activated. Days of Kyrgyz culture are being held in our country this week. Yesterday, the second Rectors' Forum was successfully held in Samarkand. The parties agreed to prepare a calendar of cultural events for the coming years.

The heads of state also exchanged views on issues of interest to the parties on the regional agenda.

After that, the talks were continued with the participation of the official delegations of the two countries.

It was noted that the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, the Business Forum, the Rectors' Forum, the Dialogue of Generations and a number of cultural events were successfully held as part of the preparations for this summit.

The results of cooperation in trade, industrial cooperation, energy, transport, agriculture and water management, security, culture and other important areas were critically analyzed.

During the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue active contacts at the level of parliaments, governments, ministries, departments and regions, businessmen, experts and the public. It was decided to form an interstate council.

The need to continue close cooperation within the framework of international and regional structures, including the UN, SCO, Organization of Turkic States, the Consultative meeting of the leaders of Central Asian countries and other multilateral arenas was emphasized.

Specific measures to increase the volume of trade, first of all, to support import substitution programs and cooperation projects were discussed.

For this purpose, a program aimed at increasing the volume of mutual trade is being adopted during the visit. In addition, in order to reach the figure of 2 billion dollars in the next few years, trading houses will be established in the capitals, a set of export-import agreements will be formed, export financing tools will be introduced, and a “green corridor” for the rapid transportation of agricultural and livestock products will be launched.

It was noted that the portfolio of current projects within the framework of industrial cooperation has reached 300 million USD. A new set of trade agreements and investment agreements in energy, logistics, electrical engineering, textile, agro-industry and other sectors was adopted within the framework of the business forum held yesterday.

In order to promote such projects, the authorized capital of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Fund will be increased to 200 million USD.

Cooperation in the field of energy was defined as a strategic direction.

The importance of signing the agreement on the construction of Qambarota HPP-1 as soon as possible and starting the practical stage of the project was noted. Also, a comprehensive cooperation program for the development of small hydropower will be prepared, taking into account the potential of the two countries.

The need to activate joint efforts to strengthen transport connectivity in the region was emphasized.

The signing of the tripartite agreement on the strategic project on the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” railway was a historic event in this regard.

Prospective transport projects were also discussed at the meeting.

It was noted that the regions of the two countries are the real drivers of trade and economic cooperation. In this sense, it was agreed to continue active relations within the framework of the Council of Governors of Border Regions chaired by the Prime Ministers.

It was agreed to prepare a schedule of mutual visits of regional delegations and to update joint “roadmaps”.

Agriculture is an important area of ​​mutual cooperation. It was agreed to implement an agro-cooperation program, which provides for the joint cultivation of agricultural crops, the establishment of intensive gardens and agroclusters.

Active exchanges will continue in the fields of culture, youth, tourism, education, science and sports.

In this sense, it was noted with pleasure that the second forum of rectors of higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan was successfully held in Samarkand on the eve of the visit.

It was agreed to prepare a calendar of cultural events for the coming years.

At the meeting, the reports of the Deputy Prime Ministers and specific proposals regarding trade and economic cooperation were heard.

At the end of the negotiations, the heads of state gave a task to prepare a joint “roadmap” and establish mechanisms for the effective implementation of the agreements reached.

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