Reporting cases of violations in water sector to be rewarded in Uzbekistan

POLITICS 14:21 / 15.07.2024 948

The draft government decision “On additional measures to increase the effectiveness of state control over water use and protection” was published.

Persons who send photos and (or) video recordings of violations in the field of water management of the Ministry of Water Management, Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture are encouraged as follows:

•  they are incentivized with a monetary reward from the funds collected from the offender for each confirmed case;
•  in cases where another sanction not related to an administrative fine is applied, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the regulation on the procedure for encouraging citizens and public organizations for their active participation in crime prevention and crime prevention”, the incentive proposal is approved.

The following have been specified:

•  employees of the inspection of the safety of water facilities and water use under the Ministry of Water Management must wear special uniforms and wear appropriate distinguishing marks when performing their duties;
•  expenses related to provision of uniforms and insignia are covered from the State budget funds;
•  in order to improve the effectiveness of state control over water use and protection, the Inspectorate staff will be provided with 142 scooters or its alternative.

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