Kim Nam Seok becomes Uzbekistan’s honorary ambassador for IT in South Korea

POLITICS 10:33 / 27.06.2024 1355

At the meeting, the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of ICT and the participation of Korean companies in projects in Uzbekistan was discussed. They also talked about plans to turn Uzbekistan into an IT hub in the region.

Sherzod Shermatov invited Kim Nam Seok to become the honorary ambassador of Uzbekistan for IT in the Republic of Korea. The former deputy minister accepted this invitation.

It should be recalled that Kim Nam Seok began working in Uzbekistan as a deputy minister and consultant on ICT in the spring of 2013, in accordance with agreements reached during the state visit of the country’s first president Islam Karimov to the Republic of Korea in September 2012. His employment contract lasted four years.

He participated in projects for the implementation of the e-government system, the development of the Comprehensive Development Program of the National Information and Communication System for 2013–2020, industry standards and classifiers, recommendations for the development of the software industry in the country and the introduction of ICT in the real sector of the economy.

Taking into account the recommendations of Kim Nam Seok, the Center for Development of the Electronic Government System and the Center for Information Security were created. In 2016, Kim Nam Seok was awarded the Order of “Mehnat shuhrati”.

For information, Kim Nam Seok (born in 1956) is a graduate of Gyeongseon High School (1975) and Hanyang University (1980), the University of Arizona (USA, 1986) and Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea, 1989). Until 2012, he worked as First Deputy Minister of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea.

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