University admission tests to take place on July 14-28

POLITICS 09:54 / 13.06.2024 1451

The next “Government Hour” was held in the Legislative Chamber on the initiative of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.

Deputies discussed the issue of further improving the admission system to higher educational institutions, including the organization of exams for admission to state higher and vocational educational institutions in accordance with the principle of “first testing, then selection”.

Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan Kungratbay Sharipov answered questions from deputies.

It is reported that the first stage of registration for undergraduate studies for the 2024-2025 academic year began on June 5 of this year and will last until June 25. To do this, applicants were given the opportunity to choose a subject, language of instruction, region of testing, as well as choose the direction of undergraduate study and the university in which the creative exam will be held.

After the completion of the first stage of registration, it is planned to hold creative exams on July 1-25, and tests on July 14-28.

Applicants will be able to find out the points they scored on the creative exam on the same day, and the points they scored on the tests the next day. After completely passing the creative exam and tests, at the second stage of registration within 15 days, based on test scores, applicants can choose up to 5 universities (directions), form of study, selection priority and direction. And in the areas in which the creative exam was held, they can select an additional number of universities in the chosen area.

The Minister said that work is being carried out so that for students of higher educational institutions preparing personnel in the field of pedagogy, starting from the 2nd year, weekly training sessions are conducted on the “4+2” principle, including 4 days of classes at a higher educational institution and 2 days in the form of internships in preschool, secondary and vocational educational institutions.

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