Valerie Reynoso: Central Asia continues to consolidate mutually beneficial efforts in addressing sustainable development issues

POLITICS 11:27 / 11.06.2024 1369

In connection with the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the resolution initiated by Uzbekistan “The readiness of the countries of Central Asia to act as a united front and cooperate to effectively solve and eliminate drug-related problems,” the vice-president of the NGO “Global Organization for SDGs” Valerie Reynoso shared her expert opinion with Dunyo IA:

- We are observing how Central Asia continues to consolidate mutually beneficial efforts in addressing issues of sustainable development, including effectively countering drug challenges, against the backdrop of the strengthening role of Uzbekistan as a key player in the region.

We believe that strategies in this area should be harmonized with the Central Asia Program of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

In this regard, the concept of the resolution is consistent with the goals of ensuring healthy lives for all through cooperation in the fight against drugs, crime and corruption (Goal 3), building peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development (Goal 16), and enhancing work in within the framework of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (Goal 17).

The resolution is especially important for combating opiate trafficking along the northern route, in particular against the backdrop of the emergence of synthetic drugs produced by criminal groups in the region, which are mainly distributed via the Internet.

It is also important that regional strategies comply with international law, respecting the right of states to self-determination.

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