Uzbekistan joins ILO Administrative Council 

POLITICS 19:58 / 08.06.2024 2254

As a result of the voting, Uzbekistan, having received the largest number of votes (194 with the required minimum of 105), was elected to the ILO Administrative Council as a deputy member for the first time in its history.

The election of Uzbekistan to the Administrative Council is a historical event, since the Uzbek side became a member of this key body of the ILO for the first time.

The voting results showed that ILO member states highly appreciate the determination and political will of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, which led to the eradication of child and forced labor in the country, the ratification of a number of important ILO conventions in the field of promoting the principles of decent work, the transition from a policy of ignoring problems to their solution through dialogue.

The Governing Body is the executive body of the ILO. Manages the work of the organization in the period between sessions of the International Labor Conference and determines the procedure for implementing its decisions. Three sessions of the Administrative Council are held annually – in March, June and November.

The Administrative Council consists of 56 members and 66 deputies, elected for three years.

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