Ramzan Kadyrov arrives in Uzbekistan on a working visit

POLITICS 11:25 / 27.05.2024 1170

When the head of the Republic of Chechnya arrived in the country, the PM of Uzbekistan, Abdulla Aripov, noted that he was warmly and hospitably received.

“During the meeting, he emphasized that the partnership relations achieved due to the political will of Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev have a strategic character, as well as the fact that friendly relations have been established between our peoples for a long time and that it is necessary to preserve them,” Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on his Telegram channel.

He noted that Chechens especially warmly welcome Uzbekistan, as the first president of the Republic of Chechnya, hero of Russia Akhmad Haji Kadyrov studied there.

“Since ancient times, our nations have treated each other like brothers, it cannot be otherwise, the meeting held under the leadership of Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev will serve to further develop partnership and friendship between the countries,” the head of Chechnya said.

He noted that he is sincerely happy that the heads of state are trying to strengthen relations.

“I am confident that our joint activities will raise the regional cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan to a new level and serve mutually beneficial relations,” Ramzan Kadyrov said.

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