Tashkent to host an international forum on food security
The visit to Rome of the delegation led by the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, who took part in the 34th FAO Regional Conference for Europe, has ended.

Photo: Dunyo IA
As part of the FAO regional conference, a meeting was held on the topic “Problems of transforming the agricultural system in developing countries in Europe and Central Asia” with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov and Director General Qu Dongyu.
The head of the delegation of our country, Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, made a speech and noted that this issue is a serious challenge for agricultural and food systems in the Central Asian region, especially in Uzbekistan, as well as in landlocked countries.
In his speech, the minister noted that investment, knowledge and innovation in agriculture are of great importance in the face of growing water scarcity in the region. At the same time, the task of supplying cultivated products to international markets with high added value and increasing the interest of farmers remains urgent.
At this event, it was announced that Uzbekistan, together with FAO and other foreign partners, will hold an international forum “Landlocked Developing Countries: Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals” in Tashkent.
The initiative of our country aroused great interest among the conference participants, and proposals were made for further cooperation.
At the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Rome, the Minister of Agriculture Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov met with the head of the Finance and Investments department of the Bonifiche Ferraresi Group Stefania Quintavalle.
The company representative expressed great interest in growing crops based on advanced technologies in our country, processing products and exporting them to the Italian market, as well as direct investment opportunities from the company.
The representative of the Bonifice Ferraresi Group stated that he is ready to help improve the skills of young farmers as part of cooperation in the field of agriculture in Uzbekistan.
Following the meeting, an agreement was reached to organize a visit of a technical group of company representatives to Uzbekistan in the near future to discuss the possibilities of establishing activities in our country.
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