Birthrate declines while mortality rate increases in Uzbekistan
In the first quarter of this year, 205,713 live births were registered in Uzbekistan, which is 4.3 percent less than last year. During the reporting period, the mortality rate increased by 3.1 percent to 40,197 cases.

According to the Statistics Agency, the natural increase in the population has decreased by 6 percent to 165,516 individuals.
The average age of the population is 28.5 years for men, which was 27.3 years in 2014 and 24.8 years in 2004. For women, the average age is now 30. In 2014 it was 28.6 years, while in 2004 it was 26.1 years.
Population Density
As of April 1, 2024, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the average population density stood at 82.3 persons per square kilometer, which is an increase of 1.7 persons compared to the same period last year (80.6 persons per square kilometer as of April 1, 2023).
Looking regionally, the highest population densities were in Tashkent city with 6,826.7 persons, Andijan Province with 792.8 persons, and Fergana Province with 603.5 persons, while the lowest densities were in Navoi Province with 9.7 persons and the Republic of Karakalpakstan with 12.1 persons.
From January to March in 2024, there were 205,700 live births, with boys numbering 106,600 and girls 99,100. Urban areas accounted for 104,700 live births and rural areas for 101,000.
When analyzing the births recorded in the first quarter of 2024 by the number of children born, the following distribution was observed: 97.7 percent were single births, 2.2 percent were twins, and 0.1 percent were triplets or more.
In the first quarter of 2024, 7 percent of newborns had fathers aged up to 25, 83.2 percent had fathers aged 25-39, and 9.8 percent had fathers aged 40 or older.
Additionally, 35.9 percent of newborns had mothers aged up to 25, 62.7 percent had mothers aged 25-39, and 1.4 percent had mothers aged 40 or older.
From January to March 2024, the number of deaths amounted to 40,200, with 21,900 being men and 18,300 women. Deaths in urban areas were 22,500 and in rural areas, 17,700.
In the first quarter of 2024, the recorded death causes included 57.9 percent from circulatory system diseases, 7.5 percent from respiratory diseases, 9.1 percent from tumors, 4.5 percent from accidents, poisonings, and injuries, 4.1 percent from digestive system diseases, 1.2 percent from infectious and parasitic diseases, and 15.7 percent from other diseases.
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