Top ten state companies deliver more than half of Uzbekistan's tax earnings

BUSINESS 20:19 / 20.04.2024 2994

Tax revenues from 2,186 large taxpayers in the first quarter amounted to 24.57 trillion UZS, as reported by the Tax Committee.

Just over half of this amount (12.49 trillion UZS) was accounted for by 10 state companies. In particular, the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat paid 6.21 trillion UZS in taxes.

The following state-owned enterprises also made significant contributions to the budget:

AGMK — 1.962 trillion UZS;
"Hududgaztaminot" — 899.1 billion UZS;
UzGasTrade — 842.4 billion UZS;
"Uzbekneftegaz" — 721.2 billion UZS;
"Navoiuran" — 491.3 billion UZS;
"Uztransgaz" — 418.6 billion UZS;
UzAuto Motors — 324.3 billion UZS;
"Navoiazot" — 314.4 billion UZS;
Uztelecom — 302.7 billion UZS.

The ten largest taxpayers in the private sector collectively contributed 2.03 trillion UZS to the budget, which is 8.2% of the segment's revenues. Here the ranking looks as follows:

UzBAT — 646 billion UZS;
Enter Engineering — 323 billion UZS;
Tashkent Tobacco — 199 billion UZS;
"Kapitalbank" — 198 billion UZS;
"Hamkorbank" — 142 billion UZS;
Eriell GMH — 141 billion UZS;
Unitel (Beeline Uzbekistan) — 133 billion UZS;
Gid License Plate — 102 billion UZS;
Universal Packaging Masters — 79 billion UZS;
Anglesey Food (Korzinka) — 68 billion UZS.

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