Survey reveals top hiring sectors for women in Uzbekistan for 2023

SOCIETY 17:40 / 07.03.2024 5846

The sectors predominantly inviting women into the workforce in Uzbekistan have been identified.

According to a Spot report, the labor market situation for women in Uzbekistan was analyzed by HeadHunter. Based on the analysis, the following five sectors had the largest share in hiring women in 2023:

- Medicine, pharmaceuticals, and pharmacies (76%);
- Educational institutions (69%);
- Accounting (65%);
- Human resource management (62%);
- Arts and culture (58%).

The lowest levels of employment offerings for women were noted in mining, heavy machinery, and the automotive sectors — at respective rates of 21%, 19%, and 17%.

Additionally, the areas and professions attracting the most interest from women were highlighted. According to the 2023 results, the majority of women’s resumes were recorded in administrative positions (9.5% of the total), education (8.4%), and accounting (8%).

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