President Mirziyoyev reviews plans to enhance road infrastructure in Tashkent

POLITICS 13:26 / 06.03.2024 4589

The project set out three primary goals: to ensure pedestrian safety and convenience, prioritize public transportation, and increase throughput capacity while reducing the number of traffic incidents.

The initiative was piloted at a major Tashkent intersection at the crossing of Bobur and Furkat streets.

At the crossroads, "safety islands" for pedestrians were created, and traffic light control devices were installed at pedestrian crossings. Public transport stops were redesigned for the convenience of passenger boarding and alighting.

There was also an installation of an intelligent traffic light system at the intersection, with signal durations that adapt to the flow of traffic.

Such projects are expected to significantly increase the intersection’s capacity, reduce traffic jams, and make public transportation more efficient.

The president instructed to expand these initiatives and to fully implement the concept of "a city for pedestrians."

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