Employees of Chinoz district administration and Jizzakh transport department arrested on suspicion of bribery

SOCIETY 14:53 / 28.02.2024 4483

In an operative event held in cooperation with the Jizzakh Regional SSS Department and the MIA Transport Security Department of Jizzakh region, the chief specialist of the Department of Tenders of the Regional Transport Department was arrested when he sold an ISUZU bus of a private enterprise engaged in passenger transportation activities in Forish district for $6,600, even though he did not have the right to sell it to.

In an operative event held by employees of the Tashkent Regional SSS Department in cooperation with the PGO Department, an employee of the Chinoz district administration, without informing the owner of one of the houses given to the poor families on the basis of a preferential loan, found out that he was not making timely loan payments. He promised to return the house to the bank balance, issue a decision giving the right of ownership under the name of another citizen, and issue a loan. In exchange, he demanded $6,000. The fraudster was detained while receiving the money.

On the above facts, criminal cases have been initiated against these persons under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code.

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