Tashkent city administration asks residents to save electricity in the heat

SOCIETY 15:55 / 09.06.2023 6400

“In order to prevent such situations and promptly solve problems arising in the power supply, an operative headquarters was created at the initiative of the Mirabad district governor and the heads of sectors in the district electricity supply department. In particular, a regular meeting of the working group took place today. In it, the governor of the Mirabad district, Sh. Pulatov, instructed the responsible persons to take measures to ensure a stable supply of consumers with energy resources during the days of a sharp rise in air temperature,” the statement reads.

According to them, round-the-clock duty brigades have been established in the district in case of emergencies.

“Dear residents, in order to prevent malfunctions that may occur due to overloading of electrical appliances as a result of abnormal heating of the air temperature, we ask you to save energy, as well as use cooling appliances as rationally as possible, disconnect electrical devices from the network when it is not necessary,” the administration concluded.

Earlier, it was reported that energy problems are returning to Tashkent again.

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