Uzbekistan’s position in international ratings changing positively 

POLITICS 16:16 / 07.02.2023 8256

In recent years, Uzbekistan’s position in international rankings and indexes has been improving. On the basis of the presidential decision “On measures to ensure the harmony of scientific potential and practical activity in working with international ratings and indices”, the republican council is working to improve the situation. In particular, an international rating forum and seminars-trainings are organized as part of it every year.

According to the figures provided by the Republican Council for Working with International Ratings and Indexes, in 2022, the country’s place in 16 priority ratings for Uzbekistan has increased. lists the most important of them.

In 2014, Uzbekistan ranked 100th in the UN e-Government Development Ranking, and by 2022, it will take 69th place among 193 countries. With this, the countries with the biggest step up were among the top 10 countries and were included in the ranks of the countries at a high stage of development in the field of e-government.

In the global innovation index, Uzbekistan rose from 128th place in 2014 to 82nd place by 2022. It is the 3rd place among Central and South Asian countries after India and Iran.

In the Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Program, Uzbekistan rose to 101st place among 191 countries in 2022 with an index of 0.727. In recent years, the country has risen 14 points in this index.

In the Press Freedom Index of the non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders, Uzbekistan (due to the change in the calculation method) rose 24 places and occupied the 133rd place among 180 countries. Uzbekistan was in 166th place in this ranking in 2015.

In Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Uzbekistan improved its position by 14 places and took the 126th place out of 180 countries.

In 2015, Uzbekistan ranked 158th in the Democracy Index of World Countries, and by 2022, it will rise to the 149th place.

Uzbekistan has increased by 17 places since 2015 (199) in the indicator of public opinion and accountability, which is part of the World Bank’s Governance Quality Indicators – 182nd place.

There was a 41-point increase in the Rule of Law indicator, which is part of the governance quality indicators. In particular, in 2010 it was the 202nd place, in 2015 it was the 185th place, and by 2021, Uzbekistan rose to the 161st place.

Also, positive trends were observed in sovereign credit ratings, S&P international rating agency changed the credit rating of Uzbekistan from “negative” to “stable”, and Moody’s agency changed it from “stable” to “positive”.

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