“The tragic death of a 12-year-old girl in Yangikhayot district deeply saddened everyone. Discussions on the Internet, people’s anger and of course the death of a young girl show that the safety of children is not fully ensured in our country.
In this case, the girl was abused by a stranger. Among the appeals that are sent to me personally, there are also children who are regularly sexually abused by family members, grandfather, stepbrother or stepfather. Even children aged 4-9, 10-14 are sexually abused. Of course, this is a very sad situation. It is very painful to read such appeals. After all, children need protection. We are taking control of these cases and are sending an official letter to the Prosecutor General’s Office,” Aliya Yunusova wrote.
It is noted that on August 31, 1995, Uzbekistan acceded to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966. Based on this document, the death penalty has been abolished in our country, and this is an international obligation of our country.
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Aliya Yunusova said that it is possible to eliminate the above cases by strengthening the type of punishment for sexual violence against children, therefore, the representative for the children’s rights emphasized that the heaviest type of punishment should be applied to the persons who committed sexual violence against children, they should not be release them from punishment based on any amnesty. She supported the position that early parole and commutation of the sentence should not be used.
“The Children’s Ombudsman prepared suggestions during the analysis of the appeals, conducted studies and sent them to the relevant organizations. In addition, recommendations were given on the deficiencies identified by studying the created conditions of children. But at the same time, it is necessary to immediately start the activity of short hotlines so that children can personally send appeals to the Children’s Ombudsman.
It is necessary to increase the number and qualifications of specialists who study the mental state of children in kindergartens, schools and other institutions. We need to strengthen the specialization of judges, law enforcement officers and lawyers on guarantees of children’s rights.
Children should also be trained in the skills of signaling when they are abused by family members or in other situations.
In fact, such events should encourage us to further strengthen child protection and increase our responsibility to ensure that children live in a society where their rights are protected and their safety is ensured,” the Children’s Ombudsman concluded.