Employees of education sector in Tashkent committed most corruption-related crimes 

POLITICS 12:22 / 30.01.2023 3671

In 2022, the courts issued acquittals against a total of 161 persons, and in 2,321 cases, the articles that were established unfoundedly by the investigative body were dismissed from the indictment.

1,109 persons who compensated for more than 293.4 billion soums of material damage caused by the crime were sentenced to non-custodial sentences, 1,759 persons were released from prison in the courtroom.

4,851 of the criminal cases were of low social risk, 2,405 – not very serious, 4,337 – serious, and 548 – extremely serious.

Completed corruption-related cases by sectors:

•  32 persons in the field of education;
•  16 persons in the healthcare sector;
•  7 people in the banking sphere.

1,063 persons were imposed fines, 2,398 persons – correctional works, 1,713 persons – restriction of freedom, 3,710 persons – deprivation of liberty, 121 persons – mandatory community service, and 331 persons – conditional sentences.

1,016 of the convicts were women, 246 – minors, 381 – young adults, 238 – men over 60, 106 – foreign citizens, and 8 – businessmen.

2,245 previously convicted persons committed crimes repeatedly.

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