List of “Quramax Medical” drugs which are withdrawn from sale in Uzbekistan announced

POLITICS 17:39 / 06.01.2023 7393

According to the results of in-depth quality control, it was known that some series of Doc-1 Max and Ambronol drugs contain ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol instead of propylene glycol or together with it.

“Taking this into account, the Ministry of Health has stopped the sale of all drugs brought to the territory of our country by “Quramax Medical” LLC in 2022 as a precautionary measure in order to protect the health of the population and conduct additional inspections of the remaining drugs,” the report reads.

Earlier, the Minister of Health instructed pharmacies to stop the sale of all drugs of “Quramax Medical” company.

It should be recalled that 19 children across Uzbekistan died as a result of adverse effects of Doc-1 Max syrup on children. In the information provided by the Government of Uzbekistan to the Embassy of India, it is stated that the content of ethylene glycol substance in Doc-1 Max drug is 300 times more than the norm stipulated in medical regulations.

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