The document provides for improving the activities of operators of the electronic public procurement system, as well as strengthening the system for protecting the funds of state customers and business entities participating in the public procurement system from financial risks.
According to the resolution, a number of requirements are set for the activities of the operator of the electronic public procurement system.
• the presence of an electronic public procurement system that meets the requirements established by regulatory legal acts, and its ownership by the operator;
• availability of a fully formed statutory fund (capital) in the amount of at least 25,000 BCAs;
• availability of a clearing settlement system implemented only through personal treasury accounts opened in the information system of the Ministry of Economy and Finance when ensuring the execution of transactions concluded in the electronic public procurement system;
• the presence of at least two qualified employees with at least 2 years of experience in the field of e-commerce and information technology, as well as a call center.
Operators are prohibited from using the funds of public procurement entities in their own interests, including placing them in commercial banks.
According to the resolution, the Ministry of Economy and Finance will submit proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers on amendments and additions to the legislation in connection with further improvement of the regulation of the activities of operators of the electronic public procurement system within a month.
After that, a regulation on organizing the activities of operators of the electronic public procurement system will be adopted. It will specify the requirements for the activities of operators, the procedure for authorizing, controlling, suspending and terminating these activities, technical requirements for electronic public procurement systems, including their information security, data center and software devices, interaction between operators and subjects of public procurement. In addition, all payments in the field of procurement are carried out through personal treasury accounts opened in the information system of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a methodological guide is being developed for participants in public procurement and measures are being determined to regularly improve the skills of responsible public procurement specialists.