Statistics of governors’ illegal decisions announced

POLITICS 17:53 / 19.12.2022 2981

The Ministry of Justice held a press conference on the activities of E-qaror. It provided information on violations of the law obtained as a result of system monitoring, correspondent reports.

In the monitoring carried out by the regional justice departments, the largest number of deficiencies in the decisions of governors of Surkhandarya region were found – 1,686. The least shortcomings are in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

According to the results of the monitoring, the most violations in the legislative documents related to the land sector are coming from the decision-making by the district governors on the issues under the authority of the regional governor, that is, in issues such as land allocation, land reservation, cancellation of the right to a land plot, district governors used powers that did not belong to them in 304 cases.

Also, the land legislation was violated in a number of cases during the adoption of legislative documents.

The administrations adopted 986 orders (which should have been adopted in the form of a decision) without following the form of documents. This is the leading case among the types of documents adopted contrary to legal norms.

One may become familiar with other cases in the infographic below:

In addition, the number of government documents that were unreasonably open until December 14, 2022 is about 2,800. 2,206 violations of the law were allowed during the public discussion of administrative documents on the use of additional sources of the local budget.

230,266 documents were accepted by local government bodies in open form, and more than 40,000 documents were accepted in closed form.

Earlier, it was announced that the Face ID system will be introduced into the E-qaror system. Starting from 2023, governors will have to personally sign documents.

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