Lolagul Kallikhanova pleads guilty

POLITICS 15:04 / 29.11.2022 5371

According to correspondent, during the meeting, a representative of the prosecutor’s office read out the accusations. In turn, the judge asked the defendants whether they agreed with the charges.

The suspects pleaded guilty in whole or in part. More information about the suspects can be found here.

Answers of the defendants:

•  Dauletmurat Tajimuratov – in part;
•  Lolagul Kallikhanova – in whole;
•  Azamat Turdanov – in whole;
•  Akhmet Smetullayev – in part;
•  Dauletmurat Jiyemuratov – in whole;
•  Bakhtiyar Kadirbergenov – in part;
•  Bayram Seyitniyazov – in part;
•  Allabay Tokimbetov – in part;
•  Kakharman Seitimov – in whole;
•  Azamat Nuratdinov – in whole;
•  Saidabulla Medetov – in part;
•  Nurlan Nayipov – in whole;
•  Polat Shamshetov – in whole;
•  Razbek Bekmuratov – in part;
•  Sultanbek Kayipov – in part;
•  Berdakh Genjebayev – in whole;
•  Salamat Kalilayev – in whole;
•  Polat Nurniyazov – in whole;
•  Sayipnazar Kalimov – in whole;
•  Nurlan Sultamuratov – in whole;
•  Aryslan Temirkhanov – in whole;
•  Amirbek Adilbekov – in whole.

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