USAID donates $410,000 worth of food to Uzbekistan

POLITICS 15:35 / 23.11.2022 5779

This 13th annual shipment of food aid contains a nutritious vegetable and legume mix which is specially formulated to deliver micronutrients, increase daily calorie and protein intake and has an extremely long shelf life. The mix will be distributed to health and social care institutions and vulnerable households.

“Together, we celebrate completing the distribution of the 13th round of food aid to those in need of food assistance around the country. This food supply will strengthen the current social safety net for vulnerable groups in Uzbekistan. It will reach over 35,000 people in more than 98 health and social protection institutions,” Mikaela Meredith, USAID Uzbekistan Mission Director said in her speech.

The aid will provide 6.6 million meals to 35,000 of the country’s most vulnerable citizens through distribution in 98 health and social protection facilities. These include long-term care locations for patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB), orphanages, and facilities providing care and support for the elderly and children with disabilities.

Since 2010, USAID’s International Food Relief Partnership program has delivered 1,425 tons of food aid to Uzbekistan, worth more than $4.0 million. The donated food will be distributed by the American non-profit organization Resource and Policy Exchange in collaboration with the Tashkent-based non-profit organization, Sog’lom Avlod Uchun (For Healthy Generation).

This latest humanitarian delivery to Uzbekistan builds on more than $122 million in long-term US investment in health and over $1 billion in total aid over the past 20 years.

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