President signs law “On electronic digital signature”

SOCIETY 19:38 / 14.10.2022 4669

The document introduces the basic concepts that will be used in legislative acts. In particular:

- An electronic digital signature is a signature in an e-document obtained as a result of special transformations of the information in this e-document using the private key of the electronic digital signature. The signature allows, using the public key of the electronic digital signature, to establish the absence of information distortion in the electronic document and to identify the owner of the electronic digital signature key;
- Private key of an electronic digital signature – a sequence of characters obtained using the means of an electronic digital signature, known only to the signer and intended to create an electronic digital signature in an e-document;
- Public key of an electronic digital signature – a sequence of characters obtained using the means of an electronic digital signature, corresponding to the private key of an electronic digital signature, available to any user of the information system and intended to confirm the authenticity of an electronic digital signature in an e-document;
- Electronic digital signature key certificate – an electronic document confirming the compliance of the public key of the electronic digital signature with the private key of the electronic digital signature.

It is determined that an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document if:
- the authenticity of the electronic digital signature is confirmed;
- the certificate of the electronic digital signature key is valid at the time of confirmation of the authenticity of the electronic digital signature, or at the time of signing the e-document if there is evidence that determines the moment of signing;
- the electronic digital signature is used for the purposes specified in the electronic digital signature key certificate.

An e-document certified by an electronic digital signature of a legal entity is equated to a paper document certified by the seal of a legal entity.

The Ministry for ICT Development will develop standards, norms and rules in the field of the use of electronic digital signature.

The registration center will issue keys for electronic digital signatures – a legal entity accredited in accordance with the procedure established by law and being a resident of Uzbekistan, carrying out activities in the field of using electronic digital signatures.

Persons who have an electronic digital signature key issued by the registration center have free access to all types of public services that require an electronic digital signature.

The certificate of the electronic digital signature key is issued by the registration center on the basis of an application of an individual or legal entity for the issuance of an electronic digital signature key or registration of an electronic digital signature key certificate.

The certificate of the electronic digital signature key must contain the following information:

- last name, first name, patronymic and ID number of the individual – the owner of the electronic digital signature key;
- name, location (postal address) and identification number of the taxpayer of the legal entity – the owner of the electronic digital signature key;
- serial number of the digital signature key certificate and its validity period;
- public key of electronic digital signature;
- the name of the means of electronic digital signature, with which you can use the public key of the electronic digital signature;
- name and location (postal address) of the registration center that issued this certificate;
- information about the purpose of using the electronic digital signature key;
- full address in the Internet of the Registry, in which this digital signature key certificate is entered.

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