Exclusive interview: An Uzbek lady, daughter of late Abdulla Oripov, runs 72 schools in America

SOCIETY 14:13 / 13.10.2022 72006

Mavluda Oripova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences; an Uzbek scholar who has been teaching children of different nationalities for more than 20 years in Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and the USA.

In her childhood, Mavluda Oripova, who studied music for 8 years at the request of her parents, did not want to become a musician, but she has never dreamed of becoming a teacher.

Compulsory music lessons

- Parents make the decision for the child because he could not clearly explain his opinion and what he wants to adults as a child. It happened to me too. My parents wanted a great musician to come out of our family, so they sent me to the music school named after Uspensky. Studying there was difficult for me. Because in addition to general subjects, I also had to study and practice music lessons. I had to play tunes that were not appealing to my ears. I can’t say that my family liked it. That’s why I had to stay late at school and practice. I was struggling from this side as well.

What I’m trying to say is that if a parent directs their child to something, they should support it afterward. Maybe if someone in my family was a musician, they could understand me and I would have found my place in music now.

“A child will have more enjoyment if he chooses a profession, but not his parents”

- Although they could not create an environment for music at home, my parents always supported me. So I finally told my mom in the 8th grade that I didn’t want to study music. My parents understood me correctly and transferred me to the school No. 64 in Tashkent.

But I think those compulsory music lessons have benefited me in my life. That is, I must have learned to do what they didn’t want to do, to finish what I started.

Then I became interested in language. I was enrolled in the Romanian-German faculty of the National University. My parents wanted me to study literature. But my interest changed in the university as well, and I went to the business faculty of Malaysia opened at the Technical University. Even so, my parents supported me. Here I want to emphasize one thing, that is, it is important to respect the child’s opinion. Because later on, if the path he chooses is his own, but not his parents’, he will enjoy his work more.

“Work-life connection makes life easier”

- I got married and went to Turkey in 2000. I started teaching English to Turkish children there. Then he was called to Kyrgyzstan to teach the language to the children of migrants, and in 2008, to the USA. Since 2010, I have been the deputy director of schools.

Since 2018, I have been leading the center (College and Career Counseling at Harmony Public Schools), which oversees the education of 72 schools in the state of Texas and directs students to higher education institutions and professions. My job is to be responsible for learning processes in schools, teachers and their potential level, examining students, preparing them for university and profession, and controlling all educational processes in the school.

I really like what I do. That’s why I don’t separate my work and life. Even after my work hours are over, when I go home, my students and parents call. Since my husband and I are also business partners, he understands me, my life and my work are very much connected to each other. If the work is different, and then your life is different, this is a division. The connection between life and work makes life easier. It makes working out natural for me.

“We spoke to my father when there was a very pressing issue”

- If I am asked about father’s support for a girl child, I will answer based on my life experience. For example, my father didn’t always say supportive words as my mother did. I think it’s probably the same for many other families. True, the role of the father in each family is different. In our family, my father was spoken to when there was a very urgent matter. We mostly used to talk to our father through our mother. If my father was against something, it was impossible to do it at all. That is, it was enough for me that my father was not against my decision. He used to speak very little. But what he said was a law for us. He would not return to that topic. If he did not oppose our opinion, it meant that our father supported us.

“My husband made a great sacrifice”

- When I was studying, there was the “Umid” fund, and many of my comrades went abroad through it. When I told my father that I wanted to go abroad, I never forget what he told me.

“Daughter, I really want it too. But you get married first, then you will do what you wish,” he said. I believe that this is not because my father shirks responsibility, but because he is pointing out that I should choose someone who is compatible with my dreams. Now I understand it even more deeply. If your spouse isn’t really there to support you, you’ll feel like you’re moving with half a body.

For example, when I was studying for a doctorate, I got home from work at 6 o’clock. I had to prepare a meal, look after my children. On the other hand, I had my doctoral studies, and I had to write. Then my husband took care of the children and other work. It was a great sacrifice then.

“Before marriage, both parties should be clear about what they want”

- I met with my husband when I was working. That is, he knew who I am and what I want. I told him that I want to study, work, and serve the society. And now we support each other well.

Therefore, both parties should be clear about what they want before making a family. Marriage is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore, the goals should be close to each other. For example, my husband is Turkish. We grew up in completely different environments. But we have the same outlook.

“Spending more time with family is not a problem”

- Since 2000, I have been married, but I have only stayed at home for 6 months. During that time, I thought that I would devote full time to my family and take care of my children more. Then I realized that it was not a time issue. I used to think that I don’t have time, so I can’t cook good food, I can’t sit and talk with my daughters. In this sense, when I was working, my conscience was troubled. But I understand that it’s not the amount of time that matters, but how productive it is.

For example, a woman who does house works may not be able to devote much time to her child. Now we go to work by car and in between, I have time to talk with my children for 25-30 minutes.

Photo: Oyina.uz

“We are raising four girls”

- I can’t say that I have idealized everything in raising a child. I will try my best. I think the most important thing is to communicate with the child a lot. Do not wait for the child to grow up to a certain age and suddenly tell you his secrets. If he didn’t tell his secrets when he was little, he probably won’t when he grows up.

I have 4 daughters – 4 different characters, 4 different worlds. The girl’s heart will be tender. That’s why we choose words with my husband. Often, when the father wants to talk to the girls about something, he consults me. We can discuss which sentence and word would be better for him to say. Because each word affects them differently. I feel like a bridge or a filter between my spouse and my daughters.

In addition, in America, if a child is free for a while, he can move on to other things. That is, there are many things that distract the child. That’s why we try to fill their time as much as we can. In the beginning, we wanted to control the children’s environment. But we saw that if the child does not feel that the forbidden thing is bad, he will continue to look at that thing again. Therefore, we first try to explain to our children why that thing is wrong.

Innovation of Texas schools introduced in the education system

- Today in the state of Texas, each student’s interests are studied individually, and it is mandatory to have conversations with his parents about what profession the child will choose. I started this work in my experience 10 years ago and proved it to be useful. Then I would talk to each student and determine the subject and direction based on his interest, desire and potential. The result was very good, my students’ mastery level was in place and they had no difficulty in graduating from the university. And I directed my doctoral thesis to show the good sides of this system and defended my dissertation.

You may be wondering, what does this system do for America, for Texas? The answer is here: there is now a shortage of graduates in America. Because some students go to study in a direction they are not interested in and are unable to graduate from it. Where does this disinterest come from? It is caused by not choosing the right subject at school, not being able to properly assess one’s opportunities, and being directed to a field that one is not interested in. The state gave the opportunity to the student who completed the 12th grade to continue the bachelor’s degree from the 2nd year. That’s why the school should provide knowledge about the 1st year of the bachelor’s degree and correctly assess the student’s ability.

The role of a school in America

- In America, school is divided into 3 parts. Elementary – grades 1-5, middle – grades 6-8, and senior – grades 9-12. Accordingly, the mission of the school changes. For example, reading and learning are taught in elementary school. Every year, children are given tests to assess their level of knowledge. There are even programs that determine how many grades a child will study at the university with his grade in the 3rd grade. Therefore, more education is given up to the 5th grade. Because we believe that the stronger the foundation of education, the better the child’s future will be.

From the 6th grade, great attention is paid to education. Because children gradually begin to transition to adolescence. If a child’s upbringing is good in grades 6-7, it will be in place when he goes to high school or lyceum.

School helps to choose a career

- From the 9th grade, we try to direct the student to professional potential. Setting a clear goal, focusing on the development of one’s own personal qualities. We talk to children one by one and ask how we can help them achieve their future goals.

In the 9th grade, along with studying general subjects such as mathematics, English, history, there are subjects that the student chooses based on his interest. For example, the school has medicine and engineering classes. The child studies those subjects for the remaining 4 years depending on his interest.

At the end of the 8th grade, we will discuss with the child and his parents which direction he will study. That is, depending on the child’s interest, he is directed to a specialized school. This is a mandatory requirement of the state of Texas. But the child does not always know what he wants. That’s why we have career tests. And they are taken not only at the 9th grade, but every year. Because when a child learns something new, he may change his mind.

“How do you see yourself in 10 years?”

- In America, there are people who don’t want to study or who study ahead of everyone else. But there is one standard for everyone. That is, it is very difficult to live in America without a diploma. This is not my opinion, this is a proven fact. To get a job, you need at least a bachelor’s degree.

Based on this, each child is told: “How do you imagine your future in 10 years, alone without your parents? If you don’t have a diploma, you can work in a minimum wage job, and you’ll hardly be able to rent a one-room apartment”. After that, the child begins to think seriously about his future.

“Teaching is not a very desirable profession”

- Americans don’t want to be teachers very often. There is a lot of demand for teachers, but few people who want to be teachers. Then not everyone and always will thank the teacher here.

For example, when I worked in Turkey, teachers were highly respected. Even when I go to the store or some other place, the teacher is given the best thing. And in America, you choose this profession because you want it from your heart, because you love it, because your conscience wants it.

If I become a school principal in Uzbekistan...

- First of all, I would study the possibilities of the school and what it needs. Then it is also important to find out what the students want, their level of knowledge and abilities. Thirdly, the formation of a strong team of teachers is also the basis for the success of the school.

If they invite me to Uzbekistan, I will gladly lend a helping hand. I would also participate in the creation of educational programs. We have no intention of staying in America forever. My husband also supports this idea.

Mavluda Oripova’s detailed interview about American education can be found here.

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