The Fatwa Center of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan called on our compatriots in war-torn countries, such as Russia and Ukraine, not to fall for war propaganda made with various promises.
“Today, there are cases of propaganda for war with various promises to our compatriots living in war-torn countries such as Russia and Ukraine on social media. Representatives of some terrorist organizations are using the moment to call for various bloodshed under the pretext of “jihad”.
In fact, it is not permissible for a Muslim to participate in any military action except for the defense of his homeland. Imam Muhammad, one of the great scholars of our sect, says in his book “As-Siyarul-Kabir”: “It is not permissible for Muslims to unite with non-Muslims and fight against another non-Muslim community”.
Calling this war “jihad” is nothing but illiteracy. Because there are specific conditions and requirements set for “jihad” in Islamic law. If the conditions are not found, it is not considered “jihad”. Maybe it will be a war forbidden in Islam. Those who participate in this will be among the soldiers of Satan who oppose the law of Allah. Then those who kill will be murderers, and those who die will be sinners.
We live today in a situation where struggles, conflicts, and games aimed at redistributing the world are intensifying. Now tyranny, terror and ferocity, immorality and spiritual crises are more dangerous than ever. Therefore, today’s Muslim needs to be vigilant more than ever. In particular, he should not get involved in various conspiracies during various disturbances that threaten the development of humanity. Involvement in such conspiracies is forbidden. In addition, our current legislation prohibits membership in military structures of foreign countries, illegal religious organizations and terrorist groups.
The hadith of Abu Hurairah who said that Prophet Muhammad said: There will be seditions in the near future. Sitting at that time is better than standing, standing at that time is better than walking, walking at that time is better than running. Whoever joins in conspiracy will come to the brink of destruction, and whoever finds a place of refuge or storage during the time of conspiracy, let him be protected with it! (Narrated by Imam Bukhari).
In short, if a war breaks out between two communities, Islam calls on maintaining peace, but not joining one of them and not inflaming it. Based on this, we urge our compatriots not to fall for various deceptive propaganda, to stay away from conspiracies,” the Muslim Board concluded.