“Regional Electric Networks” warns citizens of fraudulent activities

SOCIETY 16:15 / 22.09.2022 4213

At this point, we would like to emphasize that the automated system of accounting and control of electricity introduced by “Regional Electric Networks” JSC throughout our country does not allow to reduce the amount of electricity consumed by consumers or eliminate it in any other way. It is not possible to reduce the balance of consumers connected to this system through external influence. In accordance with the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, criminal cases have been initiated against the cases in “Tashkent Regional Electric Networks” JSC and “Jizzakh Regional Electric Networks” JSC mentioned on social networks. Investigative activities are underway.

In addition, based on the conclusion of the service inspection conducted by the Anti-Corruption and Compliance Control Department of “Samarkand Regional Electric Networks” JSC regarding illegal actions of the officials of the Urgut district electricity supply company, a criminal case was initiated by the Urgut district PGO Department. Currently, investigative activities are being carried out.

It should be noted that these cases have been investigated by the “compliance control” service to fight against corruption in the system of “Regional Electric Networks” JSC and its regional departments. Measures were taken against these persons in accordance with the law.

Dear electricity consumers!

Do not agree to the proposals of electricity network employees to reduce the amount of electricity debt. This cannot reduce your debt of electricity, it can only harm our personal interests. In order to prevent such situations, you can contact hotlines of the “compliance control” service to fight against corruption in the system of “Regional Electric Networks” JSC (78 150 75 64, 78 150 75 61) or through the official pages on social networks.

-  Official pages of “Regional Electric Networks” JSC on social networks;
-  Telegram: https://t.me/hetmuloqot;
-  For sending applications via Telegram: @HET_admin;
-  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hududiyelektrammoqlari/;
-  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hududiyelektramoklari;
-  Applications can also be sent through the official website: https://www.het.uz/oz.

In order to create convenience for consumers, the 1154 short-numbered Call Center of “Regional Electric Networks” JSC is also operating around the clock.

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