TOP-10 state organizations that are provided with cyber security in Uzbekistan announced

SOCIETY 12:13 / 06.08.2022 6821

The assessment was based on the material provided by organizations in the information and cyber security monitoring system, the press service of the SUE “Cybersecurity Center” reported.

TOP-10 organizations that are provided with information and cyber security:

Ministry of Justice – 97.3 points;
Central Bank – 97 points;
State Statistics Committee – 95.2 points;
State Customs Committee – 95.1 points;
JSCB Uzsanoatqurilishbank – 95.1 points;
Hokimat of Fergana region – 94.6 points;
State asset management agency – 92.6 points;
Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine – 92.3 points;
Tashkent city administration – 91.9 points;
Khokimiyat of Namangan region – 91.7 points.

It should be recalled that the President signed the law “On cyber security” in mid-April. According to it, information resources and systems of the state bodies are subjected to a mandatory cyber security examination. SSS was designated as the competent body in the field of cyber security.

In mid-June, the head of the MIA Cybersecurity Center reported that the number of cybercrimes has increased by 8.3 times in the last three years. “Nowadays, cases of issuing microcredits by obtaining personal data of bank clients are increasing,” Behzod Mamajonov said.

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