Lavrov answered the question about the withdrawal of the US dollar from the SCO countries at a briefing organized after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.
“This should be decided by the SCO member states themselves. How comfortable they feel relying on the dollar, the reliability of this currency, and cases of abuse should be taken into account. Americans have used it several times in a number of countries.
I am sure that the think tanks of the SCO countries will assess the dollar-related situation, draw conclusions and take practical steps based on their interests. The roadmap approved today by the heads of state also shows where the situation is going,” correspondent quoted the Russian FM as saying.
Earlier, Rakhmatulla Nurimbetov, Uzbekistan’s national coordinator for the SCO, noted that the issue of trade between the member states of the organization through national currencies has been raised for several years, but no final decision has been made in this regard.
“A special plan is being worked on. This is not some kind of final document, it can be called a working program. This program is still being discussed between the parties at the level of experts,” the representative of Uzbekistan, who gave an interview during the event, said.