From July 15, tariffs for electricity, natural and liquefied gas for the population will remain unchanged, for legal entities prices will be increased. The government reported that the views expressed on the draft resolution were taken into account, and the study of the issue of introducing social norms for public consumption continues.
In Uzbekistan, energy prices for the population will remain unchanged, while tariffs for legal entities will be increased. This was reported to by the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction.
On May 31 of this year, a draft government decree on raising prices for fuel and energy resources was submitted for public discussion. The Ministry thanked the citizens, the mass media, independent economists and experts who took an active part in the discussion.
“It should be noted that on June 15, the discussion process was completed, and more than 1,100 proposals and objections were received on the draft resolution.
In particular, one of the greatest responses was received by the proposal to form a social norm for electricity (as well as for natural gas) in the winter.
At the same time, it is indicated that the main reasons are non-gasified houses during the heating season, a drop in gas pressure and interruptions in the supply of natural gas, as well as the fact that the heating system of some multi-storey buildings of buildings does not meet the requirements, so electricity has to be used to heat the houses.
There have also been proposals to increase the size of social norms.
Most of the proposals indicated that there were no objections to the introduction of a social norm, but it was necessary to increase its size.
Opinions were also mentioned that the draft decision did not take into account the difference in consumption in apartments of multi-storey buildings and households on the ground.
The Ministry reports that, taking into account the proposals received, the following decision of the Cabinet of Ministers has been adopted to change the prices for fuel and energy carriers:
From July 15, 2022, prices for 1 kWh of electricity are set as follows:
- for the population without changes, i.e. - 295 soums;
- for NMMC, AMMC and budgetary organizations - 800 soums (now 450 soums);
- for other legal entities - 600 soums (now 450 soums).
Prices for 1 cubic meter of natural gas are set as follows:
- for the population without changes, i.e. - 380 soums;
- for NMMC, AMMC and budgetary organizations - 1300 soums (now 660 soums);
- for CNG stations refueling cars - 1,150 soums (currently 1,000 soums);
- for thermal power plants - 1000 soums (now 660 soums);
- for other legal entities - 1100 soums (now 660 soums).
The price of liquefied gas for the population will remain unchanged (1120 soums).
Also, in order to adapt enterprises to long-term planning, improve operational efficiency and energy efficiency, this resolution, along with new prices for the current year, sets new prices that will come into force on April 1, 2023.
At the same time, from April 1, 2023, the following prices will be introduced:
For electricity :
- ꞏ 850 soums for the Navoi MMC, Almalyk MMC and budgetary organizations;
- ꞏ for other legal entities - 700 soums.
For natural gas:
- for thermal power plants - 1,200 soums;
- for Navoi MMC, Almalyk MMC and budgetary organizations - 1350 soums;
- for CNG stations refueling cars - 1,350 soums;
- for other legal entities - 1,350 soums.
Prices for fuel and energy resources, which will be set from April 1, 2023, will be indexed to inflation in subsequent years.
From 2026, electricity, natural and liquefied gas will be transferred to the wholesale market, and prices will be formed freely.