Ministry of Health explains whether mask regime will return to Uzbekistan

POLITICS 14:07 / 30.06.2022 3828

The other day, the head of the department for epidemiological monitoring and preventive measures of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service, Rustam Ikromov, said whether the mask regime would return to Uzbekistan.

“According to statistics, the number of cases is increasing every day. In order to continue the measures against the coronavirus pandemic and prevent the spread of the mutated coronavirus infection, many measures are being taken. So far, the decision of the Republican Special Commission on the mandatory wearing of medical masks in public places has not been adopted, but we recommend wearing medical masks for health and safety,” he said.

According to him, the omicron strain of coronavirus is currently spreading.

Earlier, the Deputy Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service, Nurmat Otabekov, told where Uzbeks are most often infected with various strains of COVID-19.

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