Mexico appoints new ambassador to Uzbekistan

POLITICS 20:04 / 28.06.2022 4155

According to the Foreign Ministry, the ambassador presented his credentials to Vladimir Norov, who congratulated him on taking office and wished him success in his diplomatic activities.

During the conversation, the parties discussed the current state of bilateral relations and prospects for strengthening cooperation between Uzbekistan and Mexico.

The sides focused on intensifying political and diplomatic contacts through the organization of mutual visits, holding inter-MFA consultations, expanding the legal framework for interaction, and coordinating efforts within the UN and the Organization of American States.

In order to stimulate economic diplomacy, the parties noted the importance of establishing direct contacts between business circles, organizing business forums, exchanging experience on the development of e-commerce and the "digital economy", implementing projects in the automotive industry, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and the production of medical equipment.

Particular attention was paid to strengthening collaboration in the field of education. In particular, the parties voiced readiness to consider the implementation of joint educational programs, attracting Mexican teachers and specialists to the educational institutions of Uzbekistan and holding seminar trainings.

The ambassador noted that Mexico, recognizing the key role of Uzbekistan in the region, is ready for a comprehensive increase in cooperation with the republic in all areas of mutual interest. He praised the practical work carried out by the Uzbek side to provide all possible humanitarian and other assistance to Afghanistan, its participation in the socio-economic and infrastructural reconstruction of this country.

The special representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan Ismatulla Irgashev also took part in the meeting.

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