Law on referendum amended

POLITICS 15:57 / 17.06.2022 4282

In accordance with the amendments made to the law “On the referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, it was established that observers from citizens’ self-government bodies have the right to participate in all activities for the preparation and conduct of a referendum.

Interested organizations, initiative groups of citizens notify district commissions about their observers no later than 10 days before the referendum (previously this period was 15 days). Also, observers must notify the precinct referendum commission at least three days before visiting the referendum precincts formed in military units, places of detention and deprivation of liberty.

Members of district and precinct commissions for holding a referendum cannot be members of political parties, khokims of regions, districts and cities, officials of prosecutor’s offices, courts, persons who are members of initiative groups of citizens. In addition, members of referendum commissions are paid compensation to cover the costs of transportation, food and other expenses in the amount indicated in the estimate of expenses for the preparation and conduct of the referendum.

It has been established that the actions and decisions of the precinct commission holding a referendum may be appealed in court in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In accordance with the amendment made by the law “On the status of a deputy of the regional, district and city council of people's deputies”, in the event of the transfer of the territory of the electoral district to another administrative-territorial unit or the formation of a new administrative-territorial unit on its territory, the powers of the deputy elected from this constituency are preserved.

Also, the Electoral Code includes Articles “Elections of deputies of local councils in newly formed administrative-territorial units” and “Changing the boundaries of constituencies when resolving issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

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