This was announced by the Anti-Corruption Agency, which analyzed the data on entities with tax benefits for Q1 of 2022, posted on the Open Data Portal.
It was noted that tax benefits are provided for 7 types of taxes, and a significant part of them falls on the share of value added tax (93.5%). It is followed by personal income tax (1.6%), income tax (1.6%), land tax (1.3%), social tax (1%), property tax (0.6%) and turnover taxes (0.3%).
The list includes taxpayers with different forms of ownership – state enterprises, private businesses, joint ventures, joint stock companies and foreign companies.
TOP-20 companies with the largest number of tax benefits:
1. Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine JSC – 1 327, 1 billion soums;
2. FEA National Bank JSC – 530.6 billion soums;
3. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine JSC – 457.3 billion soums;
4. Ipoteka Bank JSCB – 422.2 billion soums;
5. Uzbekistan SQB JSCB – 400.9 billion soums;
6. Agrobank JSCB – 397.7 billion soums;
7. Asaka JSCB – 251.9 billion soums;
8. Khalq Banki JSC – 195.1 billion soums;
9. Kapitalbank JSCB - 181.3 billion soums;
10. Asia Trans Gas LLC - 164.8 billion soums;
11. Qishloq Qurilish Bank JSCB - 159.4 billion soums;
12. Uzbekistan Airways JSC - 152.8 billion soums;
13. Grand Pharm Trade LLC - 148.3 billion soums;
14. Uzbekistan Railways JSC - 147.6 billion soums;
15. Microcreditbank JSCB - 129.5 billion soums;
16. Hamkorbank JSCB - 125.0 billion soums;
17. Meros Pharm LLC - 94.8 billion soums;
18. Aloqabank JSC - 77.9 billion soums;
19. Trustbank JSCB - 58.5 billion soums;
20. Turon Bank JSCB - 47.5 billion soums.
Also, the list of companies with the following categories have been announced:
ꞏ TOP-10 companies with the most property tax benefits;
ꞏ TOP-10 companies with the most VAT benefits;
ꞏ TOP-10 companies with the most social tax benefits;
ꞏ TOP-10 companies with the most income tax benefits from individuals enterprise;
ꞏ TOP-10 enterprises with the most benefits in terms of turnover tax;
ꞏ TOP-10 enterprises with the most benefits in terms of income tax;
ꞏ TOP-10 enterprises with the most benefits in terms of land tax;
ꞏ Enterprises that have not paid taxes at all due to special privileges.