Uzbekistan, Italy consider prospects for cooperation in medical field

POLITICS 12:09 / 20.05.2022 3365

The clinic unites 7 main research departments in such areas as neurology and orthopedics, cardiovascular science, medical and surgical science, women’s and children’s health sciences, emergency care and resuscitation, diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, as well as laboratory and infectious diseases. It also operates 8 specialized centers for medical research and 135 operational units.

The representative of the clinic, Maria Ludovica Bottarelli, visited the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan in Nukus in October last year and expressed her readiness to establish cooperation. After that, a series of offline and online negotiations were held, during which possible areas of interaction were identified and an action plan was developed.

On May 16-19, the rector of the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan, a member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis, Oral Ataniyazova, visited Italy to meet with partners and determine areas of cooperation. She, together with the ambassador, visited the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic and got acquainted with its structure and activities, as well as held talks with the management and leading specialists of the clinic.

As a result, an agreement was reached on cooperation in the development of the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan and the recently established Children’s Clinic under it in such areas as pediatric neurosurgery, neurology, and transplant medicine. Much attention is planned to be paid to the introduction of new innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of these areas, the training of medical personnel and the conduct of joint scientific research.

As part of Oral Ataniyazova’s visit, a visit to the “UPMC – SalvatorMundi” University Clinic was also organized and a meeting was held with its management. This clinic is one of the most prestigious private university clinics in Italy. “UPMC” has a great deal in the development of international programs and the creation of an innovative model of regional university clinics. An agreement was reached on the development of a program for cooperation for the development of the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan.

The children’s clinic at the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan is designed to serve 3.6 thousand inpatients and 22.4 thousand outpatients. Here, based on high technologies, children with congenital and chronic diseases are diagnosed and treated. The departments of pediatric cardiac surgery, minimally invasive surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, maxillofacial surgery, orthopedics and gynecology are equipped with modern equipment.

Agostino Gemelli University Hospital is the largest general hospital in Rome and one of the largest private hospitals in Europe. It serves as a teaching hospital for the medical school “Università Cattolicadel SacroCuore” (the largest private university in Italy, founded in 1921 in Milan).

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