According to the document, from June 1 of this year, the monthly official salaries of medical, pharmaceutical and other employees of state medical institutions will increase, in particular:
• medical and pharmaceutical workers with the highest and first qualification categories – by 15%;
• medical and pharmaceutical workers who have a second qualification category and do not have a qualification category, as well as other medical and pharmaceutical workers – by 10%;
• other employees of medical institutions – by 15%.
At the same time, the tariff rates for employees of medical institutions are calculated by increasing the tariff coefficients for the current categories of wages by 1.15 and 1.1 times, respectively.
In addition, from June 1, 2022, the amount of funds allocated from the state budget for the formation of a fund for material incentives and the development of medical institutions, in relation to the total amount of budgetary funds allocated to medical institutions, is:
- in primary health care institutions, district (city) medical associations, emergency and ambulance services, children's medical institutions, the Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health, as well as medical institutions specialized in social diseases (tuberculosis, kidney failure , oncological, mental, narcological, endocrine, leprosy (leprosy), infectious, sexually transmitted, AIDS) – 10% of total expenses;
- in other healthcare institutions of the republican and regional level – 5% of the total costs.
It is established that 75% of the fund’s resources are directed to material incentives for employees of all state medical institutions, regardless of the group, 25% – to strengthen, modernize the material-technical base and repair medical institutions.
At the same time, in state medical institutions, at the expense of funds allocated for material incentives for employees, the following are paid:
• monthly allowance for highly qualified medical and pharmaceutical workers who have shown high results, honestly and conscientiously fulfilling their duties – in the amount of up to 100% of the monthly official salary, for other employees – in the amount of up to 75% of the monthly official salary;
• a special monthly allowance of up to 1 million soums – for beginners with potential young doctors;
• monthly additional allowance in the amount of up to 30% of the official salary – for doctors and nurses working on the second shift due to the extension until 20:00 of the working time of day hospitals at family doctor points, family polyclinics and multidisciplinary central polyclinics.
Also, surgeons who perform high-tech complex operations in medical institutions will receive an additional allowance in the amount of 25% of their salary.
From September 1, 2022, taking into account the contribution made to the development of science in the field of medicine through the labor activity of employees of medical institutions, they are paid a monthly supplement for the academic degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) – in the amount of up to 60% of the official salary, for scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – in the amount of up to 30% of the official salary at the expense of the state budget.
The Ministry of Health, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance, was instructed to approve a list of high-tech complex operations within two weeks.
The document says that from July 1, 2022, doctors who transferred to work from the regions, the city of Tashkent and foreign countries, for the first three years, will be paid an additional monthly allowance at the expense of the state budget in the amount of 100% of their official salary – working in the Takhtakupir , Chimbay, Karauzak, Bozatau, Shumanay, Kungrad distircts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in the amount of 200% of the official salary – working in the Muynak district. At the same time, in order to receive an allowance, a doctor must have worked in another region for at least 2 years and have at least the second qualification category.