Statistics: The largest number of accidents in Russia were committed by Uzbek drivers

SOCIETY 20:39 / 16.05.2022 4819

In 2021, the majority of traffic accidents in Russia by foreign drivers were caused by citizens of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the Scientific Center for Road Safety of the Russian MIA reported.

In particular, 1,290 traffic accidents were caused by citizens of Uzbekistan, 1,092 – by citizens of Kyrgyzstan and 894 – by Tajiks.

The next places in the list are occupied by Armenian drivers (417) and Azerbaijani ones (346).

The most serious traffic accidents were committed by Kazakh and Belarusian drivers among the citizens of the CIS countries.

It is noted that in 2021, the number of accidents in Russia caused by foreigners increased. In particular, in 2021, more than 5,000 accidents were committed by foreigners, which was 6% more than in 2020.

In 2021, 431 people were killed and 6,709 were injured in accidents caused by foreigners.

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