Statistics Committee provides data on the number of births by provinces for Jan-March 2022

SOCIETY 12:26 / 03.05.2022 4749

According to the committee, 203,670 babies were born in Uzbekistan during the reporting period. The figure increased by 13.4% compared to the same period last year.

The committee said 104,777 of the babies born in Q1 2022 were boys and 98,893 – girls.

The number of births by regions:

Karakalpakstan R.
Boys - 4,912
Girls - 4,768

Andijan region
Boys - 9,697
Girls - 9,023

Bukhara region
Boys - 4,792
Girls - 4,560

Jizzakh region
Boys - 4,626
Girls - 4,333

Kashkadarya region
Boys - 10,916
Girls - 10,039

Navoi region
Boys - 2,922
Girls - 2,770

Namangan region
Boys - 9,024
Girls - 8,518

Samarkand region
Boys - 12,516
Girls - 11,749

Surkhandarya region
Boys - 9,435
Girls - 8,986

Syrdarya region
Boys - 2,818
Girls - 2,604

Tashkent region
Boys - 8,781
Girls - 8,353

Fergana region
Boys - 11,176
Girls - 10,789

Khorezm region
Boys - 4,706
Girls - 4,419

Tashkent city
Boys - 8,456
Girls - 7,982

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