Average monthly salary in Uzbekistan reaches almost 3.5 million soums

BUSINESS 18:21 / 27.04.2022 11414

In January-March, the average monthly nominal accrued wages in the republic amounted to 3.42 million soums, which is 19.1% more than in the same period last year, follows from the State Statistics Committee report.

By types of economic activity, the wages of employees of enterprises are:

• banking, insurance, leasing and credit-intermediary activities – 8.42 million soums;
• information and communication – 6.5 million soums;
• transportation and storage – 4.55 million soums;
• industry – 4.46 million soums;
• construction – 4.15 million soums;
• trade – 3.51 million soums;
• education – 2.51 million soums;
• healthcare and provision of social services – 2.32 million soums.

In terms of regions, the highest level of wages was recorded in the city of Tashkent (5.21 million soums) and Navoi region (4.73 million soums). The lowest level is in Surkhandarya (2.61 million soums) and Fergana (2.59 million soums) regions.

The average monthly salary is the average value of all remunerations received for the work of an employee within 12 months, recalculated for each individual month.

The average monthly salary includes allowances, bonuses, incentive payments, compensatory payments and pay for hours not worked, as well as income tax withheld from individuals and deductions to the union fund.

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