Statistics Committee names most populous regions in Uzbekistan

SOCIETY 12:05 / 15.04.2022 6547

According to the Committee, as of April 1, 2022, Samarkand region leads in the number of permanent residents of the republic – 4.04 million people.

The next places are taken by Fergana region with a population of 3.91 million people and Kashkadarya region with a population of 3.42 million people.

The stats of the permanent population in the remaining provinces are as follows:

  • Andijan region - 3.26 million people;
  • Tashkent region - 2.95 million people;
  • Namangan region - 2.94 million people;
  • Tashkent city - 2.87 million people;
  • Surkhandarya region - 2.75 million people;
  • Bukhara region - 1.98 million people;
  • Karakalpakstan R. - 1.95 million people;
  • Khorezm region - 1.93 million people;
  • Jizzakh region - 1.45 million people;
  • Navoi region - 1.03 million people;
  • Syrdarya region - 883.1 thousand people.

Earlier it was reported that the permanent population of Uzbekistan is growing by an average of 1.8 thousand people every day.

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