A garbage truck hits to death 2-year-old boy and his mother in Bukhara

SOCIETY 14:42 / 13.04.2022 4994

According to the Information Service of the Bukhara regional DIA, on April 12 at 11:05, Sh.N. was driving a SHACMAN garbage truck belonging to Aholi Trans LLC through the Istiqlol mahalla in Bukhara and leaving a garbage dump at the back of the apartment building 84/1 on this street. The driver violated the requirements of paragraphs 11 and 77 of the current traffic rules – he hit to death by the vehicle’s right wheel Yu.N. and her baby S.A. (born in 2020), who was in a stroller. Allegedly, the victims were passing by the landfill.

As a result of this traffic accident, Yu.N. and her minor child, S.A., died at the scene with fatal bodily injuries.

On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under Paragraph “a” of Article 266-3 of the Criminal Code (Violation of traffic rules, causing people’s death). An investigation is ongoing.

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