Uzcard starts issuing contactless payment cards

BUSINESS 17:43 / 30.03.2022 5908

It is all about the issuance of Uzcard cards with embossed numbers that support contactless payment on NFC technology. During the event, participants were shown the process of printing a new type of embossed cards using Entrust Datacard 840CE. In addition, the numbers on these cards also start with 5614 instead of the usual 8600.

While UZCARD representatives told about the issuance service of plastic cards, the company offered a service that allows participating banks to organize “instant” production of cards in their bank branches.

Moreover, the time from the moment the customer applies to the bank to the registration and activation of this card is 5 minutes. “In other words, people don’t have to come to the bank twice to register and get a card, they can get an Uzcard card and make financial transactions immediately on the day the customer applies,” the company explained.

It was noted that the Uzcard will continue to develop POS and ATM  infrastructure for the acceptance of contactless payments and other operations using NFC technology cards. With these cards you can easily pay for public transport by a single tap.

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