Construction-related accidents killed 84 workers in 2021 

SOCIETY 13:09 / 26.03.2022 5244

The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to further strengthen and improve the system of labor protection in organizations in the construction industry” was announced.

The need to adopt a project is based on a number of factors. In February, Uzbekistan ratified ILO Convention No. 167 on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction.

In connection with the ratification of the Convention, it is necessary to revise the legislation in the field of occupational safety and health in the field of construction and technical regulations on labor protection, as well as regulations in accordance with the requirements of the Convention.

It was noted that in the field of labor protection, there are cases of neglecting labor protection requirements by employers, especially in the construction sector, and the lack of safe conditions for employees at construction sites.

It was noted that 168 of the 574 accidents that occurred in the country in 2021, or 29%, were accidents in the construction industry. As a result of the accidents, 199 workers were killed, 84 of whom (42%) were construction workers. In addition, 113 people were seriously injured in accidents in the sphere.

Inadequate knowledge and skills of construction workers on construction sites and the fact that most workers work informally are also cited as reasons for the low quality of work performed.

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